Our portfolio of oversized projects expanded
by a further two ‘huge’ projects. This time – almost
simultaneously- we transported to Scandinavia 7 spans
of the bridge and a steel footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists.
The spans of the bridge were delivered to one of the southern Norwegian islands.
Width close to 4
m and over 12 m length of each element of the dimensions to which our oversized shipping
department had already become
accustomed. The challenge during
this transport was, however, to put all the
elements one on another ones, so that without any damage
arrived at the
place of unloading. The weight of individual items ranged from 1 to 10 tons.
To realize this transport
once again we used a semi-Openbox, which
we have written about already
several times.
In turn, the steel footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists
is a gage that
calls attention to itself because of
its length, reaching over 33 m. This
unusual cargo was
transported south of Sweden. Interestingly, the bridge was transported as
a whole, and therefore the length of the entire set (load with
the tractor and trailer)
reached 38 m.